
The Biofeedback in Sport Research Group utilises the University of Lincoln Sport Centre’s facilities which focus on sport and exercise. In addition to standard ergometers for cycling, kayaking, rowing and running, specialised equipment includes:

  • Swimming flume (Endless Pool)
  • Isokinetic chair (Cybex)
  • Non-motorised treadmill (Curve, Woodway)
  • Cycle ergometer (SRM).

To measure performance, in addition to standard equipment, portable measuring devices include:

  • Real-time motion capture equipment (9x Raptor-E and Raptor-4 cameras, Motion Analysis Corporation)
  • Force platforms (2x AMTI Accusway Plus)
  • Pressure plate (RSScan)
  • Electromyography (Delsys and Noraxon EMG).

The motion capture system is one of the few in the country to be useable outside, and the portable nature of much of the equipment means we often travel to external venues to capture data.